Wednesday, September 14, 2011 by Sora Jay
Querida familia,
This week was good. We had transfers today but all of my district stayed. I thought that one of us was going to leave for sure and we made all of the members and investigators think that we were leaving as well. Last night we passed by the church during seminary and I made the cell-phone ring and pretended that it was the transfer call and that both Elder Wright and I had been transfered. Everyone got all quiet, and then I started to laugh and told them it was fake.
This week we baptized an 18-year-old girl named Paloma and a kid named Erick. Both of them are really good and will stay firm in the church. Erick has two cousins in the ward that are returned missionaries that will help him and Paloma has a strong testimony and already made friends with the members. We are trying to baptize Erick´s family as well. His older sister has come to church five times, his mom two times, and his dad came to watch the baptism.
I don't know if I told you yet, but we have mice in our house sometimes. The first one we got with a mouse trap, but the other we killed with shoes. The last one was a team effort, the mouse was running around the house and hid under the fridge, so we made a plan. Elder Muncy would shifted the fridge to make the mouse run. He booked it under the table heading for the stove, but Elder Wright was already there and swept him out in the open with the broom. I was waiting with my shoe, and it ended. It was good because we learned how to work as a team.
Gotta go,
Elder Jay
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