Re: Romania 30 Aug 2010

Here is the talk that Jared mentioned, and that Ariel requested. I
will send it to Tom and Ariel by Dear Elder, so they don't have to
take the time to read it right now.

Receiving, Recognizing, and Responding to the Promptings of the Holy Ghost

Elder David A. Bednar

Ricks College Devotional

August 31, 1999

Brothers and sisters, it is a pleasure and a privilege for me to
welcome you to a new semester and academic year at Ricks College. To
students, faculty, and staff, both new and returning, welcome. We are
delighted you are here at Ricks.

The message I hope to communicate this afternoon is an important one.
I pray for and invite the Holy Ghost to be with each of us today, that
we may truly understand one another and be edified and rejoice
together (D&C 50:22).

Please have your scriptures ready to use. Today I will refer to a
number of scriptures—many more than we could possibly look up and read
together in the allotted devotional time. Some of the references I
will specifically ask you to look up in your scriptures and read along
with me; other verses I will quote directly and provide only the
reference. You may find it helpful to jot down the references and
study the quoted verses in more detail at a later time.

Sister Bednar and I love to meet and associate with the students of
Ricks College. On the weekends when I do not have an assignment to
fulfill in connection with my service in the Quorum of the Seventy,
Susan and I frequently go tracting in the dorms and apartment
complexes. We enjoy knocking on doors, introducing ourselves to a
group of students, and spending a few minutes getting acquainted and
asking questions. We also like to visit with students as we run laps
at the football stadium or in the Hart Building. And on most

Monday nights Sister Bednar and I host family home evening for
approximately 100 of you students. Typically we sing an opening hymn,
pray, and then we invite the students to ask gospel questions or to
identify topics they would like to discuss. We conclude with a
benediction and lots of ice cream.

Susan and I have been meeting with groups of students every Monday
night since we moved to Rexburg in the summer of 1997. Most of the
questions students ask are both insightful and instructive, and we
have learned a great deal about you through the questions you have
asked. Let me share with you just a few of the most commonly asked

• Elder and Sister Bednar, please tell us how you obtained your
testimonies. What do you do to strengthen your testimonies?

• Elder Bednar, what have you learned working with President Hinckley?

• What advice or counsel do you have for us as future wives and
mothers and husbands and fathers?

• How do you know when you have met the right one?

• What is your favorite scripture?

Today I want to address the one question that is asked most frequently
by the students with whom we meet. In fact, during the entire time we
have been holding family home evenings with students, I cannot
remember a single time when some version of this question was not
asked. Here's the question: "Elder and Sister Bednar, how can I tell
the difference between my emotions telling me what I want to hear and
the Holy Ghost telling me what I need to hear?"

Now, I certainly do not presume to have a complete or perfect answer
to this question. But I would like to discuss with you some of the
things I have learned about receiving, recognizing, and responding to
the influence of the Holy Ghost.

The Doctrine of the Godhead

The beginning of the answer to this important question is found in a
correct understanding of the nature of the Godhead. The first Article
of Faith states: "We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in his
Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." It is important to remember
the simple but profound truth that the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghost are three separate and distinct beings. In this dispensation,
the Prophet Joseph Smith came to understand this fundamental and
powerful doctrine in the Sacred Grove in 1820, and he boldly
proclaimed the true nature of God throughout his mortal ministry. As
Joseph taught, "If men do not comprehend the nature of God, they do
not comprehend themselves" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, pg.

Please turn with me to Section 130 of the Doctrine and Covenants. I
want to draw your attention to verses 21 and 22.

The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son
also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a
personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in

Thus, the three members of the Godhead are separate beings who are
perfectly united in one overarching purpose, which is to bring to pass
the immortality and eternal life of man (Moses 1:39). I testify that
God, indeed, is our Eternal Father; we literally are His spirit
children. He and His Beloved Son know, are concerned about, and love
each one of us.

The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit who bears witness to the
truth. The Holy Ghost also is referred to in the scriptures as the
Comforter (John 14:16-27, Moroni 8:26), a Teacher (John 14:26; D&C
50:14), and a Revelator (2 Nephi 32:5). It is through the Holy Ghost
that the revelations of the Father and the Son are given. The Holy
Ghost is the witness of, the messenger for, and the testifier of the
Father and the Son.

Given these fundamental truths, consider then that prayer is the
process whereby we as sons and daughters communicate with our Heavenly
Father. We are counseled to pray to the Father in the name of the Son
by the power of the Holy Ghost. Revelation is the process whereby our
Heavenly Father communicates with us. Remember, it is through the Holy
Ghost that the revelations of the Father and the Son are conveyed to
men and women here upon the earth.

Revelations or messages from the Eternal Father to his children can
come in many ways, including, for example, visitations, visions, and
dreams. However, it is important to note that in the scriptures the
influence of the Holy Ghost is frequently described as ". . . a still
small voice . . ." (3 Nephi 11:3; 1 Kings 19:12) and a ". . . voice of
perfect mildness . . ." (Helaman 5:30). The influence of the Holy
Ghost is gentle, tender, and delicate.

Please turn with me now to Section 8 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
Section 8 is a revelation given to Oliver Cowdery through the Prophet
Joseph Smith during the work of translating the Book of Mormon. Verses
two and three describe the spiritual gift of revelation and the
process whereby this gift typically occurs.

Yea, behold, I will tell you in your mind and in your heart, by the
Holy Ghost, which shall come upon you and which shall dwell in your
heart. Now, behold, this is the spirit of revelation . . . .

These verses teach us that revelation from our Father, in its most
familiar form, comes through the Holy Ghost as thoughts to our minds
and feelings to our hearts. Thus, God communicates with us through our
very thoughts and feelings! It should not be hard to understand why we
are counseled to avoid polluting our minds with pornography, watching
R-rated and inappropriate movies and television programs, and taking
into our bodies harmful and addictive substances such as drugs and
alcohol. These tools of the Adversary can restrict and eventually
destroy our ability to recognize and respond to the promptings of the
Holy Ghost. As President Boyd K. Packer has explained:

These delicate, refined spiritual communications are not seen with our
eyes nor heard with our ears. And even though it is described as a
voice, it is a voice that one feels more than one hears . . . . The
Spirit does not get our attention by shouting or shaking us with a
heavy hand. Rather, it whispers. It caresses so gently that if we are
preoccupied we may not feel it at all. (Boyd K. Packer, "The Candle of
the Lord," in That All May Be Edified, pg. 335-336)

Now I need your help for a brief demonstration. In my hand I am
holding a tuning fork. As many of you know, a tuning fork provides a
constant standard or pitch to which a musical instrument is tuned.
Please be just as quiet as you can and listen for a moment. Just like
the sound produced by this tuning fork, the Holy Ghost is constant,
steady, and sure. The sound is not brash like the crashing of cymbals;
it is not loud like the sound of a trumpet. It is subtle and subdued;
it whispers and beckons in softness. And you and I must tune the
strings of our souls to the standard of the Holy Ghost.

I have wondered if we as members of the Church talk about and
emphasize marvelous, magnificent, and dramatic spiritual
manifestations so often that we perhaps overlook the customary
influence of the Holy Ghost that is quiet, delicate, and subtle.
President Packer also has taught:

I have learned that strong, impressive spiritual experiences do not
come to us very frequently. And when they do, they are generally for
our own edification, instruction, or correction. Unless we are called
by proper authority to do so, they do not position us to counsel or to
correct others.

I have come to believe also that it is not wise to continually talk of
unusual spiritual experiences. They are to be guarded with care and
shared only when the Spirit itself prompts us to use them to the
blessing of others. (Boyd K. Packer, "The Candle of the Lord," in That
All May Be Edified, pg. 337)

Now, brothers and sisters, in my ministry I have talked with many
young people who, because they have not had a personal interview with
the angel Moroni or some other miraculous manifestation, question the
strength of their own testimony and spiritual capacity. If you have
had similar thoughts or doubts, please know that you are normal and
everything is "ok." Such concerns are usually made worse by friends or
associates or classmates who do not know about or do not follow
President Packer's advice and talk unwisely about purported spiritual
experiences. Please remember this important principle: People who have
profound spiritual experiences do not talk about them, except in the
rarest of circumstances. It would be a good thing for you to consider
the implications of that principle.

Consider this counsel from President Joseph F. Smith:

Show me Latter-day Saints who have to feed upon miracles, signs, and
visions in order to keep them steadfast in the Church, and I will show
you members of the Church who are not in good standing before God, and
who are walking in slippery paths. It is not by marvelous
manifestations unto us that we shall be established in the truth, but
it is by humility, and faithful obedience to the commandments and laws
of God. (Joseph F. Smith, Gospel Doctrine, pg. 7)

Your simple, faithful obedience and dedication are the surest
indicators of your spiritual capacity. Just keep moving forward with
faith in the Savior, and you will be fine.

Now, brothers and sisters, in the world today there are many deceptive
and counterfeit tones that imitate the true sound and standard of this
tuning fork. For example, I wonder if we sometimes too easily mistake
personal sentiment and spiritual sensationalism for the promptings of
the Holy Ghost. If we are not careful and discerning, we may
mistakenly follow a false sound that will lead us astray. As the
Prophet Joseph Smith taught, ". . . For nothing is a greater injury to
the children of men than to be under the influence of a false spirit
when they think they have the Spirit of God" (Teachings of the Prophet
Joseph Smith, pg. 205).

Because the Holy Ghost typically uses our minds and our hearts to
convey spiritual messages, it can sometimes be difficult to discern
the difference between our own thoughts and feelings and those
communicated from our Heavenly Father. May I now suggest four
principles that can help us to receive, recognize, and respond to the
Holy Ghost in our daily lives.

Principle #1 — We must desire the companionship of the Holy Ghost.

Simply stated, we must desire, yearn for, and seek the companionship
of the Holy Ghost. Please turn with me to 3 Nephi 19:6-9:

And the twelve did teach the multitude; and behold, they did cause
that the multitude should kneel down upon the face of the earth, and
should pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus.

And the disciples did pray unto the Father also in the name of Jesus.
And it came to pass that they arose and ministered unto the people.

And when they had ministered those same words which Jesus had
spoken—nothing varying from the words which Jesus had spoken—behold,
they knelt again and prayed to the Father in the name of Jesus.

And they did pray for that which they most desired; and they desired
that the Holy Ghost should be given unto them.

Do you and I likewise remember to pray, both morning and night, for
that which we should most desire, even the Holy Ghost? Or do we get
caught up in the routine of daily living and the cares of the world
and neglect this most valuable of all gifts. Receiving, recognizing,
and responding to the Holy Ghost starts with our sincere and constant
desire for His companionship and influence in our lives.

Principle #2 — We must invite the companionship of the Holy Ghost

We receive more readily and recognize more clearly the influence of
the Holy Ghost as we specifically invite Him into our lives. Please
turn with me to Section 42 of the Doctrine and Covenants and note
verse 14: "And the spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of
faith . . . ."

In Section 63 verse 64 we are instructed: "Remember that that which
cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by
constraint of the Spirit; and in this there is no condemnation, and ye
receive the Spirit through prayer . . . ."

We cannot compel or coerce or command the Holy Ghost. We must invite
Him into our lives with the same gentleness and tenderness by which He
influences us. Frankly, I am bothered by frequently repeated language
that suggests we can "call down the powers of heaven." Certainly we
can invite such power, but I would never suggest we can "call it down"
according to our will and timing.

Our invitations for the companionship of the Holy Ghost can occur in
many ways. We invite the Holy Ghost into our lives through the making
and keeping of sacred covenants. Meaningful personal prayer every
morning and every night invites the Holy Ghost into our lives.
Searching the scriptures daily and diligently invites the Holy Ghost
into our lives. Sincere worship in our homes and at Church invites the
Holy Ghost into our lives. Appropriateness in our relationships with
family members and friends invites the Holy Ghost into our lives.
Virtuous thoughts and actions and language and dress invite the Holy
Ghost into our lives. Conversely, casualness about or the breaking of
covenants and commitments, failing to pray and study the scriptures,
and inappropriate thoughts and actions and language and dress cause
the Holy Ghost to withdraw or to avoid us altogether. Can you begin to
understand why abiding by the Honor and Dress Codes is so important to
your success at Ricks College? These Codes are not about curfew and
clothing; rather, they are about commitments and obedience. Most
importantly, the Honor and Dress Codes are about inviting the presence
of the Holy Ghost into our lives, into our classrooms, and to this
special campus.

Please do not believe the falsehood that somehow you and I can " . . .
live the spirit of the law even if we are in violation of its letter"
(Elder M. Russell Ballard, BYU Speeches, March 12, 1996, pg. 189). The
small things really do matter when it comes to personal worthiness and
inviting the Holy Ghost into our lives. Elder Richard G. Scott has
taught: "Even matters that are considered relatively small deviations
will seriously affect [your] capacity to be led by the Spirit"
(Helping Others to Be Spiritually Led, an address delivered at a
symposium on August 11, 1998, at Brigham Young University, pg. 12).
Thus, because small things do matter, you and I should strive to
become like the stripling warriors described in the Book of Mormon

. . . did obey and observe to perform every word of command with
exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto
them . . . . (Alma 57:21)

. . . and they are strict to remember the Lord their God from day to
day; yea, they do observe to keep his statutes, and his judgments, and
his commandments continually; and their faith is strong in the
prophecies concerning that which is to come . . . . (Alma 58:40)

Now before I discuss the next principle, I must raise a voice of
warning as both a Seventy and as the president of Ricks College. The
opposite of inviting the Spirit is offending or repulsing the Spirit.
In our modern world, the very technologies that bless our lives and
enable us to instantly view and access news and information from
around the world also have the potential to drive the Spirit away from
us and even destroy us. Vile and filthy pornographic material can be
accessed in the privacy of our homes, our offices, and our work areas
with the simple click of a computer mouse or a TV remote control.
Perhaps the most sinister aspect of such sin is the fact that it
seemingly occurs in private. And if we come to believe that sinning
"in secret" somehow is less serious because it does not hurt anyone
else, then we may be less willing or even unable to stop. Remember,
Satan and Cain devised their evil plan "in secret" (Moses 5:30). But
we can keep no secrets from our Heavenly Father. The Holy Ghost knows
about, is offended by, and flees from those who view pornographic
material, whether in public or in private.

It just may be the case that an idle moment of casual curiosity while
surfing through TV channels or on the Internet ensnares us in a trap
of evil from which we might never escape. To all students and
employees at Ricks College, please avoid pornographic materials of any
kind. Pornography is an insidious poison. Viewing pornography is
addictive and will destroy you spiritually. It can also cause you to
lose the privilege of studying at or continuing as an employee of this
great institution. Such salacious materials have the potential to
destroy individuals and thereby to weaken the entire campus community.
All of us who are blessed to study and work at Ricks College have a
sacred responsibility to live in such a way that the Holy Ghost can
reside with us and on this campus.

Principle #3 — We must heed simple promptings.

We are prompted by the Holy Ghost every day to do ordinary and simple
things. For example, we are prompted to say our personal prayers every
morning and every night. We are prompted to study the scriptures. We
are prompted to keep the commitments we made in connection with the
Honor and Dress Codes. To the degree that we heed these simple
promptings, then our capacity to recognize and respond to the Holy
Ghost is increased. To the degree that we do not heed these simple
promptings, then our capacity to recognize and respond to the Holy
Ghost is decreased. We are either progressing or regressing in our
ability to recognize and respond to the Holy Ghost. There is no
neutral ground; there is no standing still.

The law of the harvest is real; we cannot gather crops in the fall
which we did not properly plant and cultivate during the spring and
summer. And we cannot realistically expect to recognize "big"
promptings if we consistently fail to heed the "small" ones. The
Lord's pattern is to teach us ". . . line upon line, precept upon
precept, here a little and there a little . . ." (2 Nephi 28:30).
Thus, revelation from our Heavenly Father comes most frequently in
small increments and, like all knowledge, is granted according to our
preparation. Misguided attempts to get spiritually supercharged
through unusually long prayers, lengthy and unwise fasting, and
intensive, short-term temple attendance certainly are no substitute
for gradual, consistent, and conscientious attention to the promptings
of the Holy Ghost.

Principle #4 — We must heed promptings quickly.

Have you ever received and recognized a prompting from the Holy Ghost,
and then decided to respond to it "later"? And then when later
arrived, you found that you could not remember the prompting. I have
learned that acting upon promptings quickly greatly increases our
capacity to receive and recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost. I
have also learned that properly recording spiritual impressions
demonstrates to the Savior how much I treasure His direction. The
simple practice of writing down spiritual thoughts and feelings
greatly enhances the likelihood of receiving and recognizing
additional promptings from the Holy Ghost.

Brothers and sisters, those are the four basic principles I have
learned about receiving, recognizing, and responding to the promptings
of the Holy Ghost: (1) desire, (2) invite, (3) heed simple promptings,
and (4) heed promptings quickly. If you and I have a sincere desire
for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, invite His influence
into our lives through our obedience and actions, and learn to heed
simple promptings and to do so quickly, then I testify and promise
that we will be able to tell the difference between our own emotions
telling us what we want to hear and the Holy Ghost telling us what we
need to hear.

I once was traveling to a stake conference assignment on a small and
noisy commuter airplane. Seated in the row just in front of me on the
plane was a woman with three young children ranging in age from an
infant to a four-year-old. Because the plane had only two seats on
each side of the center aisle, the mother was situated quite some
distance from her oldest child, a cute little boy who obviously was
flying on an airplane for the very first time. His nose was pressed
firmly against the window so he would have a good view of everything
that was taking place, and he delighted in describing what he was
seeing to his mother as the engines started and as we taxied down the
runway for takeoff. The little boy's eyes were wide and his voice was
full of excitement as the plane climbed into the sky.

During all of this time, however, the mother was busy with the two
youngest children, getting them buckled into their seats, finding
toys, and responding to their needs and requests. The mother
consistently had been responding to the little boy's enthusiastic
exclamations in a calm, soothing voice. But because of the noise of
the engines and the clatter of the small airplane, the little boy
could not hear his mother's responses. After we had been in the air
for about five minutes, and thinking that his mother was not paying
adequate attention to him, the little boy blurted out, "Mom, you're
not listening to me!"

I then observed a very interesting thing. The wise mother continued to
respond and talk to her son in the same calm tones, never raising her
voice. Eventually the little boy was able to hear his mom's voice in
spite of the engine and other noises on the plane. The mother's voice
did not change; rather, the little boy's ability to hear her voice in
the midst of the noise increased. It took some time, but the little
boy learned how to block out the distracting noises around him and
focus upon the familiar voice of his mother.

Brothers and sisters, as we desire and invite the Holy Ghost into our
lives and learn to heed simple promptings quickly, we too can block
out the distracting noises of the world and clearly focus upon the
promptings of the Holy Ghost. In the first section of the Doctrine and
Covenants the Savior describes The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints as ". . . the only true and living Church upon the
face of the whole earth . . ." (D&C 1:30). It is the Holy Ghost and
its attendant spiritual gifts that make this Church living. And may
each of us become a living member of this living Church by living in
such a way that the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion.

Brothers and sisters, the doctrines and principles I have discussed
today are true. I testify and witness that God the Eternal Father and
His Beloved Son live. I know the Holy Ghost is real and will be our
constant companion if we allow Him to be. I know the fullness of the
gospel was restored to the earth in these latter days through the
Prophet Joseph Smith. And I know that President Gordon B. Hinckley is
the Lord's prophet on the earth today. Of which I testify and declare
my witness in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

© 1999 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

I found the talk and sent it to her, so no one else needs to worry
about it. I hope I got the right one, it was titled Receiving,
Recognizing, and Responding to the Promptings of the Holy Ghost, given
in 1999.

Love, Dad

On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:00 AM, Ariel Natalie Jay
<> wrote:
> Hey everybody,
> I got all your emails about the river rafting trip.  That's cool.
> Today I got to ride a bike for the first time since February.  They have
> free bikes that you can ride at the parc, and they wouldn't let us play
> football so we checked out some bikes and rode them around.  It was fun.
> Maybe you all know, but this week was the Kiev, Ukraine temple dedication
> and we got to watch the broadcast because now it is the closest temple to
> Romania.  I realized that I know a lot of Russian words (or Ukrainian)
> because they are the same in Romanian.  I have no idea about the grammar
> though, except for little things that Jesh told me like declension and
> conjugation, and diminutive, which also all exist in Romanian.  People think
> that I am from russia a lot of times when we talk to them, and maybe I'll
> get to serve in the Republic of Moldova where you have to know a little
> russian to do contacting.  Anyway, President Monson was hilarious.  He said
> a whole bunch of funny things and you could tell when he left the script
> because the translator would just look up and speak, and look
> uncomfortable.  He was like missionary age, but he did a really good job
> even translating the jokes that President Monson told.  When he finished his
> talk he almost sat down before he remembered that he needed to dedicate the
> temple.  He talked a lot about families, and I hope that all of the Romanian
> members were listening because there are tons of part-member families here.
> That's something that we really want to work on, but it's hard because we
> have limited access to members because of missionaries who were disobedient
> in the past.
> I didn't know that everybody was praying for Tom to get his visa.  It
> probably is a really good experience for him to learn to teach by the spirit
> better in English before throwing in a different language.  He will be even
> a better strength to the Brazil mission when he arrives because he will be
> experienced.  My companion was getting frustrated because we don't have
> lessons very often like the lessons that she had in the MTC (with a golden
> investigator, in a quiet, clean place, with the ability to communicate
> perfectly).  But you, and the investigator, can still feel the spirit when
> little kids are running aroung screaming, or when you're sitting on a bench
> next to a busy highway, and even when you can't understand what people are
> saying to you.  They're good lessons, just different.  I don't know how it
> is in Texas, but I think it is a good experience for Tom.  Plus, then he'll
> be so much more grateful when he gets to Brazil and has ten baptisms every
> week.  But, I guess I'll pray for him to get his visa sooner, because it's
> cool to be in a foreign country and that's the mission that he is called to.
> I've heard a lot about Jensen and that he's really cute; you can send me a
> picture in an email, somebody.  I would like that.
> The special training that Ed isn't getting yet is already sort of filtered
> into the MTC experience, it is just a lot more intense out here.  There is
> nothing actually different from the lessons in PMG or the stuff you learn
> from it, there are just some things that they want to emphasize, like
> following the spirit, teaching lessons not people, and helping people to
> make and keep commitments.
> We have been keeping miracle journals since the beginning of this transfer.
> There is a lot of cool stuff in there that I could tell you guys about.
> Mostly about being in just the right place at just the right time so that we
> could find somebody who was ready to listen to us, or even who was searching
> for us like one inactive member that ran into.  I probably should choose one
> and tell you about it each week, but I didn't think to bring the journal
> with me to internet today.
> We are working toward the goal of 200 baptisms this year, and so far we have
> 86.  We have been doing really good so far because we have gotten a lot more
> baptisms this year every month than we got last year, but we still have a
> ways to go; which is why we have been keeping miracle journals.
> Love,
> Sora Jay
> P.S. I would like a copy of that talk that Ed watched (by Elder Bednar) if
> you can find it.
> NOTICE: This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s)
> and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized
> review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the
> intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all
> copies of the original message.

Romania 30 Aug 2010

Hey everybody,

I got all your emails about the river rafting trip.  That's cool.
Today I got to ride a bike for the first time since February.  They have free bikes that you can ride at the parc, and they wouldn't let us play football so we checked out some bikes and rode them around.  It was fun.

Maybe you all know, but this week was the Kiev, Ukraine temple dedication and we got to watch the broadcast because now it is the closest temple to Romania.  I realized that I know a lot of Russian words (or Ukrainian) because they are the same in Romanian.  I have no idea about the grammar though, except for little things that Jesh told me like declension and conjugation, and diminutive, which also all exist in Romanian.  People think that I am from russia a lot of times when we talk to them, and maybe I'll get to serve in the Republic of Moldova where you have to know a little russian to do contacting.  Anyway, President Monson was hilarious.  He said a whole bunch of funny things and you could tell when he left the script because the translator would just look up and speak, and look uncomfortable.  He was like missionary age, but he did a really good job even translating the jokes that President Monson told.  When he finished his talk he almost sat down before he remembered that he needed to dedicate the temple.  He talked a lot about families, and I hope that all of the Romanian members were listening because there are tons of part-member families here.  That's something that we really want to work on, but it's hard because we have limited access to members because of missionaries who were disobedient in the past.

I didn't know that everybody was praying for Tom to get his visa.  It probably is a really good experience for him to learn to teach by the spirit better in English before throwing in a different language.  He will be even a better strength to the Brazil mission when he arrives because he will be experienced.  My companion was getting frustrated because we don't have lessons very often like the lessons that she had in the MTC (with a golden investigator, in a quiet, clean place, with the ability to communicate perfectly).  But you, and the investigator, can still feel the spirit when little kids are running aroung screaming, or when you're sitting on a bench next to a busy highway, and even when you can't understand what people are saying to you.  They're good lessons, just different.  I don't know how it is in Texas, but I think it is a good experience for Tom.  Plus, then he'll be so much more grateful when he gets to Brazil and has ten baptisms every week.  But, I guess I'll pray for him to get his visa sooner, because it's cool to be in a foreign country and that's the mission that he is called to.

I've heard a lot about Jensen and that he's really cute; you can send me a picture in an email, somebody.  I would like that.

The special training that Ed isn't getting yet is already sort of filtered into the MTC experience, it is just a lot more intense out here.  There is nothing actually different from the lessons in PMG or the stuff you learn from it, there are just some things that they want to emphasize, like following the spirit, teaching lessons not people, and helping people to make and keep commitments.

We have been keeping miracle journals since the beginning of this transfer.  There is a lot of cool stuff in there that I could tell you guys about.  Mostly about being in just the right place at just the right time so that we could find somebody who was ready to listen to us, or even who was searching for us like one inactive member that ran into.  I probably should choose one and tell you about it each week, but I didn't think to bring the journal with me to internet today.

We are working toward the goal of 200 baptisms this year, and so far we have 86.  We have been doing really good so far because we have gotten a lot more baptisms this year every month than we got last year, but we still have a ways to go; which is why we have been keeping miracle journals.

Sora Jay

P.S. I would like a copy of that talk that Ed watched (by Elder Bednar) if you can find it.

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Romania July 23, 2010

Buna ziua toata lumea,
So, I've been transferred here to Bucharest, the big city.  There is a fully functioning branch and it is great to bring investigators to.  I still had to give a talk in church this week.  It was actually a lot more pressure than my last talk because here there were people who knew Romanian really well and the gospel really well, plus like six other missionaries besides my companion.  I knew that I made some pretty horrible grammatical mistakes as I was making them, but at least my talk was something that I had written, instead of taken from a manual or the internet like the other talks.  I talked about gratitude, and told people that if they were grateful for the gospel they would be memeber-missionaries.
I live in Sector 3 in Bucharest, in an area called Dudest (spelled with an s-cedille), we are checking out other apartments though because we are going to move; not to a different area but to a different apartment because one of the toilets in our apartment doesn't work and we don't have air conditioning.  I think it's kind of silly that they are bothering to make us change this apartment when it's a billion times nicer than the apartment in Galati was.
One of my last days in Galati was the first time that I have ever been 'pup'-ed by a young guy: that's when they kiss you on each side of your face.  Usually you can catch them before they do it, or else you are standing far enough away that it is clear that you are opposed to such interaction, but he had just stood up from a bench to shake my hand and then he kissed me.  I guess some people are just grateful when you give them a copy of the Book of Mormon, as they should be.
I guess there was a time when a random guy off the street that we gave a pliant to kissed me too.  He wasn't even drunk either.
Anyway, usually guys just kiss our hands or shake our hands depending on how polite they are trying to be, and how much experience they have had with Americans.
I have had a lot of people ask if I could take them back to America with me.  One gypsy guy was really persistent about getting married and going back to America.  The elders were there with us so it wasn't like a bad situation, but I guess now I can say I have been proposed to.
Well, I'm the senior companion now.  Sora Wilson is from Australia and this is her second transfer.  She actually knows Romanian pretty good for it being only her second transfer.  The people here in Buchurest talk really fast though so I think she gets lost in some of the conversations and gets a little sad sometimes.  I think she still is hurt sometimes when people reject us.  She is really good for working together as a companionship though.  I let her keep the phone and use the keys to the apartment because I am the one who came into the area new, and it kind of bugged me that my companion in my second transfer took the keys and the phone and kind of figured I was useless when she came into my area.  I just let her hand me the phone when she doen't understand or know what to say.
I'm in a super sketchy internet place right now that has all of the lights turned off.
They have raised the standards here in Romania this transfer.  We are not allowed to have a lesson without a member present until we have tried calling at least three members to see if they could come.  Hopefully involving them in the work, or at least making them aware of it, will increase the growth here.  We are going to be having special training meetings for all of the Zone and District leaders for the next nine months because we are starting the new missionary program.  So, eventually I will get to find out what it's all about.
President Lundberg has planned a trip for all of the missionaries to go to a palace for a couple of days so that we can be more united.  Everybody was shocked that we are actually going to stop everything and go on a little unity reatreat, to a sweet palace.  The trip will be in September sometime.
This weekend we will get to see the Kiev Ukraine Temple dedication at the church on Sunday.  It's wierd to tell people to not come to church, and to tell our investigators that church is cancelled for this week.  It's something that's really surprising to them because the Orthodox church never does anything like that, and it is actually open on weekdays too.
People here in Buchurest are a lot more willing to listen to us and give us their information, and actually put effort into learning by coming to the church to meet with us, instead of us hunting them down at their houses.  People are a lot smarter too, I think.  Most people are aware that our church is the 'Mormon' church by hearing the whole name even before we show them the Book of Mormon.  There was a time this week though that we were in the middle of having a lesson with a lady and her mom came in and said "These are the Mormons.  I don't allow Mormons in my house."  The lady actually defended us and said that we hadn't taught her anything that was wrong, but the mom kicked us out anyway.  Not until after I had persuaded her to say the closing prayer though (the mom).  Maybe she won't think we're such evil people anymore.
Tell Ed to watch the Mountain of the Lord for his next movie night, it's the best one.
Sora Jay
P.S. Pete said something about France kicking out all of the gypsies and sending them back to Romania.  The gypsies aren't actually Romanian though, they have their own gypsy language and everything.  So, maybe their just kicking out the Romanians, which may mean that some of our members will come back.
I've heard that the European Union made a deal with Romania and that if they don't finish a highway that goes from Buch to somewhere like Timisoara by the end of the year they will be kicked out of the European Union.  Some missionaries really want them to not finish because then all of the members that have left to work or to live in other countries will come back and the branches will be a lot bigger.
Tons of people leave to work in other countries, so it's sad when they join the church here and just disappear and all we can do is hope that they are active in the other country that they went to.

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Week 3 in Texas

Querida familia,
I got went to a differetn area again, now I am in a town called Raymondville, I think. I have been in three different areas with 6 different companions the past three weeks because the elders that were called here are going to training meetings that last a couple of days, and I am a sub. Hopefully I will get to stay somwhere soon or get my visa.
This week was pretty good, I was back in Robstown with Elder Santa Cruz and Kunde. We looked through the Area Book this week and found lots of former investigators that we are starting to visit. We found one 18 year old girl named Royal that came to church and commited to be baptized on the 29th, the hardest part is getting people to come to church because they are too lazy to get up at 9:00 on Sundays, and people don't progress unless they come to church. So, do any of you returned missionaries have advice on getting people to church?
Most of the lessons we teach are in English, but we have taught a couple Spanish lessons. I can understand almost everything the elders say, but I can't understand drunk people or batos. I don't talk very much during the Spanish lessons, but I can bear my testimony and stuff. Spanish is just Portuguese but not as cool. I haven't been able to study Portuguese very much because when I am with the Zone Leaders we always have to do stuff during language study time, and it is hard to speak it during the day because no one can understad what I am saying.
Anywho, thanks to everyone who sent me emails, I like reading them. It sounds like you are having fun in the MTC Ed. I really liked the MTC, you just have to make it fun. The field is better though. You should find my old teachers, one is Brother Harward, and one is Sister Early, my class was 18M 526 or something. And Ariel, I have only been out 3 weeks and I have more transfers under my belt than you, you need to pick it up.
Things are going good down here. It is so much different than Utah though. Everyone is on drugs and people start having babies when they are 12. People are pretty messed up, and they don't realize how much their lives suck becuase they don't know any different, and they don't want to give us the chance to show them how there lives could be better because they are Catholic, or they can speak in tongues and fly (Pentacostals), or they are already saved. It is cool to see how much people change when they do listen and act on what you teach them.
Alright, I'm going to go now,
Love, Elder T. Jay

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The church here was once a 'brothel' as rumor has it.

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Hello again everyone,

I guess that because of the time difference I get Tom's and Ed's letters about a week after they write them but you guys get mine a few hours after I write them.  And I guess that you guys at home usually write on Sundays so the info I get is pretty current, usually.

Anyway, I heard about Jensen and his little foot.  I guess he won't have to have a cast anymore by the time I get back.  I would be willing to go stay at the Booths house and help out, but I think I'll just stay here in Romania a bit longer.  I told you about how we have been teaching primary, and we have to handle a bunch of little kids in a different language.  I finally learned that you just have to do what their moms would do to get them to settle down, and that is to threaten them with beatings and yell at them in command form.  It actually worked pretty well once I decided to try it.  But then I decided to be nice to them anyway, because they can also easily be won over with treats.

We had a special district meeting this week about institute and the institute director for all of Romania came and talked to us and treated us to lunch.  It took about three hours to determine that we are teaching a course called 'gospel productive life,' which I'm pretty sure isn't an accurate translation but that's what he called it in English and he never told us the name in Romanian.
He also told us that the church was more successful in Ukraine and Moldova because they had Russian influence over there; he said that Russian people know how to keep their commitments (when it's between two people because they don't want to get the government involved).  He said that Romanian people don't keep their commitments until the government gets involved, and that's why people here progress and get baptized less frequently.  So, Jesh and Pete, is this true about Russians?  Because for us we have to tell someone to read and pray, and then go back and find out that they didn't read and pray so we read with them the chapter that we assigned them to show that we're serious about them keeping their commitments; and then maybe they will the next time we come back, or just come up with better excuses.

I got some dearelders from Mom this week, and I actually got them just a couple days after she had written them.  Usually it takes weeks for them to get here because I have to wait until I have some sort of contact with the office elders in Bucharest.  So, those of you who send stuff through dearelder, I probably will get it long after it was sent.  I usually have sufficient time at emails to read everything I get and write back.  You should still send stuff through for Ed though, because he doesn't have a lot of time.
It sounds like Ed has had a lot more fun at the MTC than I ever did.  We did have friends all around the MTC though, mainly we were friends with the Italy, ASL, and tagalog districts.  And with one spanish district that we eventually adopted one missionary from.  She got sick and missed her departure date so we had to take her around with us.
When I was in the MTC I always cleaned my tray like you, Ed.  The elders were pretty impressed sometimes because I could eat more food than they could.

Tom, I hope that you have time for language study every day, even if your companions are english speaking.  You should at least read in the portuguese Book of Mormon every day to keep up what you've got.
I found a french Book of Mormon in our apartment and I could read a little bit from it, because of what I know from school and words that are similar to Romanian.  Maybe we will be able to communicate a little bit when we're both back, and Ed too.

Well, I don't remember if I told you guys about how we knocked into a preot, which is an orthodox priest.  Now our area is destroyed.  People see us at the door and won't let us say anything, or even give them an English class flier.  We think that the preot must have given his yearly sermon on the greatest sin: listening to missionaries from other churches.  This one guy let us in to talk and then his wife came out and saw us and looked like she was ready to explode, like her husband had just let Satan into their courtyard.  She must have been the religious one who went to church to find out how evil we are, and then her unreligious husband let us in the house.  She went so crazy that Sora Hupp and I just laughed after we left.  She freaked out.  At least she didn't hit us or anything, or call the cops.

Well, I just got the transfer board and I'm getting transferred to Bucharest, so on Tuesday I'll take the train up there.

I started hating the people here because they are just sheep that follow everyone else and blidly obey the Orthodox traditions, but then when we were block-knocking we talked to a lady whose husband and son had recently died.  I felt so bad for her that she had no hope or knowledge of what would happen or if she would ever see them again.  We taught her the Plan of Salvation and scheduled to come back.  People would be so much happier if they would listen and believe, we really are here to help them and bring them happiness, if they just take a moment to listen.  It's cool that even though most of these people have had the gospel witheld from them because of the traditions and influences of the Orthodox church they will still get more and more chances from the missionaries in this world and in the next to hear and accept the truth.

I'll contact the librarian before I leave Tim.

Sora Jay

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RE: Romania Aug 9 2010



Are you sure that the people who don’t dare to go into the sunlight aren’t vampires?  Your proximity to Transylvania makes me wonder.




From: Ariel Natalie Jay []
Sent: Monday, August 09, 2010 3:11 AM
To: Aaron Olson; Collin Booth; Emily Jay; Jared Jay; Jennette Booth; Jeremy Jay; Jeshua Jay;; Jill Jay; Joni Jay Olson; Kira Jay; Marsha Jay; Melissa Jay; Peter Jay; Rodney G Jay; Rodney Gilman Jay; Sally Talbot; Shane Talbot; Timothy Jay; Tom Jay;;; Thomas Jay; Timothy Jay
Subject: Romania Aug 9 2010


Hey everybody,

How's it going.  I guess last week was pretty exciting for you guys because Ed went into the MTC too.  Now there are three of us.  Make sure to give me Ed's email address some time so that I can send him my mass emails too.  Or maybe it would be better if somebody copied them and sent them in a dearelder while he's in the MTC so that he can have plenty of time to write.

So, I read Tom's letter about Texas.  It's good that you get to experience tracting.  It's pretty much my whole mission.  Sora Hupp and I have spent the last five weeks knocking hundreds, if not thousands, of doors and now we have a few investigators.  Like ten.
We try to get referrals from the members all the time, but they usually don't give anything to us.
I remember it was in my first week after knocking in the blocs for a few days I told my companion that it was really stupid and that knocking was the crappiest way to do missionary work.  She said "yep."  And she said when she went home she was going to be the best member ever and refer all of her friends to the missionaries because she had knocked doors in Romania for a year and a half.  And then we continued knocking doors.
It's kind of fun doing it though.  We ocassionally get some of those same responses that you mentioned, but mostly people just say "I'm Orthodox" and we try to persuade them to listen to us anyway.

It's been super hot here too.  The temperature is always reported in Celsius but I created the little formula and I think that the temperature has been in the hundreds for the past couple of weeks.  Sometimes when we knock at people's houses they say "It's too hot!  I can't talk right now!" or they just don't dare to step into the sunlight.  Most people here don't have any sort of air conditioning either, including us.  At mostly all of the vilas though they have a grape vine growing over a courtyard that they sit underneath to be cooler.  It's really humid here too.  I don't really remember any times at home when I was actually dripping with sweat, but here it's pretty much every day.  I used to put on sunscreen but then I got tanned enough through the suncreen that I don't get sunburnt if I don't use it anymore.

I got an email from President Lundberg today that the missionary lessons are changing.  Ed will probably know more about it since he's at the headquarters of missionary work.

We had an investigator actually read the entire book of mormon this past week.  It was cool.  We are giving him to the elders though because he's a guy.  Hopefully he can get baptised soon.  He just has to stop smoking.

The librarian is going to kick me out again soon.

See ya,
Sora Jay

P.S. I have to help the little kids in Primary say prayers and give talks for primary, but in Romanian.  Primary is actually really fun.

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Romania Aug 9 2010

Hey everybody,

How's it going.  I guess last week was pretty exciting for you guys because Ed went into the MTC too.  Now there are three of us.  Make sure to give me Ed's email address some time so that I can send him my mass emails too.  Or maybe it would be better if somebody copied them and sent them in a dearelder while he's in the MTC so that he can have plenty of time to write.

So, I read Tom's letter about Texas.  It's good that you get to experience tracting.  It's pretty much my whole mission.  Sora Hupp and I have spent the last five weeks knocking hundreds, if not thousands, of doors and now we have a few investigators.  Like ten.
We try to get referrals from the members all the time, but they usually don't give anything to us.
I remember it was in my first week after knocking in the blocs for a few days I told my companion that it was really stupid and that knocking was the crappiest way to do missionary work.  She said "yep."  And she said when she went home she was going to be the best member ever and refer all of her friends to the missionaries because she had knocked doors in Romania for a year and a half.  And then we continued knocking doors.
It's kind of fun doing it though.  We ocassionally get some of those same responses that you mentioned, but mostly people just say "I'm Orthodox" and we try to persuade them to listen to us anyway.

It's been super hot here too.  The temperature is always reported in Celsius but I created the little formula and I think that the temperature has been in the hundreds for the past couple of weeks.  Sometimes when we knock at people's houses they say "It's too hot!  I can't talk right now!" or they just don't dare to step into the sunlight.  Most people here don't have any sort of air conditioning either, including us.  At mostly all of the vilas though they have a grape vine growing over a courtyard that they sit underneath to be cooler.  It's really humid here too.  I don't really remember any times at home when I was actually dripping with sweat, but here it's pretty much every day.  I used to put on sunscreen but then I got tanned enough through the suncreen that I don't get sunburnt if I don't use it anymore.

I got an email from President Lundberg today that the missionary lessons are changing.  Ed will probably know more about it since he's at the headquarters of missionary work.

We had an investigator actually read the entire book of mormon this past week.  It was cool.  We are giving him to the elders though because he's a guy.  Hopefully he can get baptised soon.  He just has to stop smoking.

The librarian is going to kick me out again soon.

See ya,
Sora Jay

P.S. I have to help the little kids in Primary say prayers and give talks for primary, but in Romanian.  Primary is actually really fun.

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Romania 2 August 2010

Hello Everybody,

This week was kind of crazy.  I live in the city with the Zone leaders and we had Zone Conference this week so we were helping them to prepare for it since Monday. 
When we traveled to Zone Conference the Elders drove us in the car because the office had figured out that it was cheaper to have us drive than to have all of us take the train.  So we drove through the streets in Bucharest, which was pretty crazy.  I think that probably the only Americans that would be able to drive well in Bucharest are teenage boys because you have to drive crazy in order to get anywhere.  We were at the mission office in Bucharest for a few hours because the elders needed the office elders' help with their Zone Conference presentation.  So we stayed there and talked to the other elders.  I feel kind of stupid for doing that now, we should have just gone out on the streets near the mission office and contacted people, but we didn't.  The elders were amazed at all of the things that I have accomplished in my life so far, especially that I had played a bunch of Zelda games.  They tried to test my knowledge, and I actually knew better thatn them.  Everyone always wants to know about all of my siblings and where they went on their missions, so I wrote it all out on a whiteboard for the people at the office.  Anyway, so we were there really late waiting for the elders to drive us the other sisters' apartment to stay there for the night and in the end they told us to take the metro.  So we got to the sisters apartment at like 10:30.
We got up at 6:00 the next day so that we could shower and get to the church early because the elders wanted me to play the violin for a special musical number.
I thought Sister Lundberg was going to bring the violin early to the church that we met at in Bucharest but we got there early and just sat around waiting because she didn't get there until it started.  So I wasn't able to practice before we started the conference.
So, at every Zone Conference everyone prepares a 10-minute talk about a scripture or subject that President Lundberg gives.  I had tried to prepare something ever since I finished my talk last Sunday, but I never could get anything actually prepared.  I didn't know why.  So when we were sitting waiting for Sister Lundberg I tried to work on it again, and I still couldn't get anything.  It didn't really bother me that bad that I didn't have anything prepared because I don't think I would really care about being publicly humiliated like that when it's just in front of a bunch of missionaries.  But I felt bad that I wasn't prepared like I should have been.
When President walked around the room shaking people's hands he shook mine and asked me how I was doing, I said "good" and he smiled really big.  And, what do you know, when the time for the talks came I was chosen to go up and speak.  I had like five minutes while President Lundberg was still talking to make sure that I knew where a couple of scriptures were that had been floating around in my head and then I went up and spoke.  The talk was about obedience and sacrifice.  I remember that sone of the sciptures that I used were Jacob 1:19 and D&C 4:2 and D&C 97:7, so afterward I felt like I had spoken pretty harshly, but I guess not because nobody said anything about it.  Some missionaries told me afterward that they thought it was really good, but I just felt crappy because I hadn't prepared anything beforehand like we are asked to.
Then we had lunch, and I ate really quickly and took the violing and went and played through A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief a couple of times before going back to the conference.  One of the sisters accompanied me on the piano, but we didn't have any time to rehearse so we messed up a little.  I felt like I was going to throw up when it seemed like I wasn't going to be able to practice at all before performing, but it went okay.  And everybody understood that I hadn't been able to play the violin for months since I was a missionary; plus it wasn't my violin that I was playing on (and I didn't have a shoulder rest).  But it went okay.

So, usually Zone Conferences are nice and relaxing because you get to be the one in the congregation being taught for once instead of the one teaching the lessons, but it wasn't really like that this time because I helped the Zone leaders to prepare their stuff, and then I spoke, and then I played the musical number.  And then I felt crappy because everything I did was unprepared, but that's the way it goes sometimes I guess.

One other thing that happened this week: it tells you in Preach My Gospel to pray to be able to speak with power, and I had never tried it before, so I decided to do it.  For a while I have been praying for it and I didn't notice any difference until one day this week when we stopped a man with a little girl on the street and started talking to him.  We pretty much gave hime the entire first lesson standing there on the sidewalk because he wanted to hear what we had to say.  At the end of our little discussion he said "you have me convinced" and then he asked us what he had to do.  I handed him a Book of Mormon and told him to read it and told him to come to church the next day.  It was wierd because usually if somebody says something like that they are being sarcastic or making fun of us, but this guy seemed serious.  He told us where he lived and we said we would go by there next week.  As it turns out he didn't come to church, but we will go over to his house in the next couple of days to see how he's doing.

I have to go now, the library lady is telling me to leave.
Sora Jay

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