Coming home
Monday, April 30, 2012 by Sora Jay
Querida família,
I have been keeping a secret for a little while because I didn't want to get trunky, but I won't stay another month and I will be arriving in Utah on the 18th of May. I'm not sure of when I will get there because I still don't have my itinerary, but on the 17th I'm going to the temple in Recife and from there we will go to the airport. It is really strange to think that my mission is already ending. It feels like it will just be a normal transfer and I will have a new area and a new companion, but two years have already past and it is coming to an end. I'm happy and sad at the same time.
This week we baptized a young man named Lucas, he is a friend of Ruchemberg that we baptized last week. We are also teachings Lucas' parents and I believe that they will be baptized shortly. Things are going really well here in our area and May will be full of baptisms, too bad that I won't be here at the end of the month, but I am happy because I will be with you guys.
The big news this week is that Elder Holland came and talked to us. It was amazing. When he arrived in the chapel he shook hands with all of us and looked us in the eye. Then, when he was talking he told why he shakes our hands. He said that our eyes are the window of ou soul, that he could see the eternity in our eyes and that he had interviewed every single one of us. He talked about the power and authority of our calling and asked us to promisse that we would never walk away from the Church. You know how Elder Holland is, he got really emotional, hit the pulpit a little and said, almost yelling, "Promisse me! Promisse me tonight that you will never walk away from this Church!" Talk about a firm commitment. I think every missionary promissed in their heart that they would never leave the Church. We also heard from his wife and from Elder Mazzagardi and his wife. Sister Holland bore her testimony that her husband is an Apostle saying, "I hear the way he prays, I have seen bless and cure the sick, I have seen him recieve revelation" among other things.
Gotta go
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