Tom's and Ariel's Mission Calls
Tuesday, February 9, 2010 by Unknown
Ariel is going into the MTC tomorrow to learn Romanian. She was called to the Bucharest, Romania mission. Her last days at home she went out to try Indian food and then to see Avatar. The next day she went to the Salt Lake Temple to experience a live endowment session. Later that afternoon, before she was set apart as a missionary in the evening she went hiking with her brothers and sisters up to the 'Y' on the mountain in Provo, above BYU. It was one of the few places where the snow had melted enough to hike and where you could have a good view when you got to the top.
Ariel posted a video of her opening her mission call on Facebook. I think you have to be her friend to see it though.
This is a picture of Adlee, Peter, Tom, Emily, Jeremy, and Ariel hiking up the 'Y'
Tom recently received his call to the Joao Pessoa, Brazil mission. Everyone who could make it went to the Jays house to see Tom open his mission call in the evening. There is always a suspense when opening a mission call, wondering where the missionary is called to. Turns out, in this case, however, Tom had opened his call earlier in the day to see where he was going. He tried to seal the envelope shut again so that nobody would notice that the envelope had been opened and that he had peaked.
I can't believe it was warm enough out there to not wear a coat! I love that picture of Ariel with the umbrella. It looks like it should be the cover of the ensign or something. As for Tom opening his call early--I still haven't forgiven him. ;)